Friday, June 15, 2012

A letter to my Pup

Dear Charlotte,

Riding Together

When I saw your sweet little face for the first time I knew I was going to adopt you. I made Barry bring cash with us on our visit because the thought of not having the chance to take you home that day was already heartbreaking to me. You were so cute and tiny playing with your parents that evening. I didn't even flinch when your breeder told me your nickname was "Killer". I laugh about it now because I knew nothing about dogs, much less puppies. I didn't know I'd be up in the middle of the night taking you to the bathroom. I didn't know of your capcity to cry for two hours straight in your kennel. On day four, when we'd had a particularly hard night, I sat on the couch with you crying because I thought Barry would take you back. But he said to me, "When have we ever given up on anything?" I sat there all red eyed and snot-nosed and said, "Never. We've never given up on anything." Then I determined in my heart that no matter how hard it got or how much sleep I lost, I wouldn't freak out on you or take you back. You found a place deep in my heart and curled up in there. You like to burrow, so it's not surprising.

Riding in the Car

On her LoveSac thone

And then something amazing happened. Taking care of you became second nature. I can't remember not having you. I vaguely remember the quiet. You fit into my life. We play and walk a lot. You're not the greatest cuddler except when we're in the car and you lay in my lap. You're finicky when it comes to chews and treats. Sometimes you like it, other times you hide it and bring it out later. But you love to be around us, even if it's in the same room. I laugh when you lick my toes and I'm trying to teach you how to do eskimo kisses. You never come when I call you. In fact, you literally lay down and stretch your whole body out as if to say, "You come to me." But I love your little personality that needs to talk to me when I give you a command. I guess you're a little stubborn like me too. You love Barry and cry when he leaves the room. Yesterday you slept in front of the door while he napped on the other side. I don't blame you, I like to be around him as much as possible. You may be a dog, but you're my dog and a part of the family. I hope one day you'll be able to share us, but for now it's the three of us and it's perfect.


Asleep in her favorite corner



  1. So, so sweet...All parents should write letters to their kids... :)

  2. Oh my gosh! She has her own bike seat! That is so precious. I love this post, Julia. The right dog can be the best addition to our lives. What a sweet pup. I love the "napping in the corner" picture! ha!

    1. Liz,
      Oh my, I wish that was my bike. It's my friends bike. But now that I know Charlotte likes it I REALLY WANT ONE. :)And yes, her napping picures are definitely my favorites.

    2. Yes, you MUST get one. And then post multiple pictures of the cuteness!
